Lizs Book Snuggery
kid reading w parent

Read Alouds Are Back!

The Return of the “Read Aloud”


I think any one who blogs on children’s picture books is always checking out new children’s picture book websites, in the world of KidLitosphere, to see what’s new, what’s exciting, what’s out there. One day during this surfing expedition, I stumbled across a site called “Sara’s iPad”- I believe it was the January 22nd posting on her site. To my surprise I found on that website a posting that was written on 17 episodes of read alouds I had done for Penguin Story time, several years ago. What struck me was that the author of the website said that she used these read alouds for her children at times she was multi tasking (as most mothers do) and wanted them to have something to listen to and read that would be interesting and educational.

So that statement got me to thinking that in the Way Back Wednesday posting of essential classics that I do on Liz’s Book Snuggery every now and than I would incorporate some read alouds.  I think it is essential for children to be read to, I believe nothing can take the place of sitting down with a child and paging through a book discussing the pictures and the narratives and sharing that moment in time.

So although nothing can replace the parent/child experience of sitting down with a book, I hope that the read alouds that I post on episodes of way back Wednesday may fill in those spots a parent is unable because of other commitments or constraints to sit down with their child for a cuddle up and read. I hope it will be an addendum to parents reading to their children, and I know I enjoy doing it very much. I am happy to see that these episodes for Penguin Story Time are still being enjoyed by children in 2012. Look for more to come!

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