Lizs Book Snuggery

These Ghosties Know How to Enjoy a Party!

The Night Before Halloween

By Natasha Wing; illustrated by Cynthia Fisher


Whether Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve or any night before a holiday, the evening before is usually filled with excitement, preparation and eager anticipation of what the next day will bring. And All Hallows Eve or the night before Halloween is no exception.

The slightly different take on this pre-celebration is the focus on the ones doing the preparing, and here’s a hint: it’s not just the kids! The Night Before Halloween is set to the familiar rhyme pattern of Clement Clarke Moore’s, The Night Before Christmas. But hold on a sec, the CREATURES who are stirring are real HALLOWEEN CREATURES. But never fear, these mummies along with Count Dracula and a hooting host of witches, ghouls, goblins and ghosts are all very friendly. Hey, it’s their holiday and they spend the eve blowing up balloons, hanging streamers and lights to make things kid friendly and welcoming for the ones coming door to door on this special night.


 ‘Twas the night before Halloween

 and all through the house,

 all the creatures were stirring,

 except for the mouse.

 The monsters had gathered

 to plan and prepare,

 for the trick-or-treaters

 who soon would be there.


Kinda gives a different take on the monsters, doesn’t it? Their house is a veritable buzz of activity, courtesy of a brewed up potion by a maternal witch who ladles generous cups of the green stuff to the monsters as if it were punch! They love it and the Martha Stewart wanna bees are doing a bang up job of decorating their haunted house on the hill; the very last stop on any trick-or-treaters’ list.

While the monsters prepare, the scene shifts to the kids bobbing for apples, dressing in costumes for a parade and Halloween hayrides. After dinner comes the very witching hour and for packs of kids it’s time to trick-or treat to “normal” houses filed with lighted jack-o’-lanterns on porches and treat bags handed out. All the houses are visited save one.


But just when the children

thought they were done,

the princess said,

“We’ve forgotten just one.”


Guess whooooo? Aw c’mon kids give them a break!

Will the kids rebuff the cheery welcome at the door and realize these are not disguises their hosts are wearing, but the real deal?  These ghosties know how to enjoy a party even when the guests flee. “Hey Drac, put on The Monster Mash”. We monsters still know how to have a good time and the night is young. Those kids sure missed a heck of a party, but if you read The Night Before Halloween, you won’t miss a bit of the fun.




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