Lizs Book Snuggery
you are a lion

April is National Poetry Month!

Hey parents! It’s National Poetry Month. But wait! Before you begin, stifling those yawns with a shrug of the shoulder and a “so what?” raised eyebrow, I want to suggest two books, though there are tons out there, to mark the event.

The two form an arc from the simple rhymes of Mother Goose heard from children’s earliest years to a poetry book that initiates your young ones to yoga with its various poses named for animals such as lion, butterfly, dog, snake, frog and cat. The book is called, “You Are A Lion! And Other Fun Yoga Poses” by Taeeun Yoo. The instructions are simple and the poetry describing the poses is also. I’ve never seen a more tranquil, relaxed group of cherubs filling its pages, their arms stretched to the sun or sitting with heels pressed together. Re-lax and breathe as you page through this one together.

And as for Mother Goose, Tomie dePaola has assembled a collection of very familiar and not so familiar rhymes to hold your children enthralled for many bedtimes. Whether it’s the well known “Humpty Dumpty” and “Wee Willie Winkie” or the lesser known ones that begin with lines like,  “ICKLE ockle, blue bockle” and “Mr. East Gave a Feast”, they are a delight.

Of course they are each brought to incredibly vivid life by the inimitable insight, wit and charm that is Tomie de Paola’s legacy to share with us all. His collection of rhymes in this 25th anniversary edition of “Tomie de Paola’s Mother Goose” includes a collectible print.

So…whether it’s rhyming yoga or Mother Goose, dive into a poetry book of your choosing this month. Now refresh my memory, how many blackbirds are baked in a pie?

Please enjoy National Poetry Month with your young ones. There’s something for every taste to sample.  So wade in- the water and the poetry are fine!

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