Never Forget!
The Picture Book That Was Read on 9/11
The Pet Goat, part of the part of a Reading Mastery series
by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner
It is 14 years since the unimaginable events of 9/11 occurred across this country.
As they unfolded, President George W. Bush was reading to a group of school children at the Emma E. Booker School in Sarasota, Florida. He was informed that the nation was under attack in the midst of reading and hearing the recitation of the Reading Mastery Series book called “The Pet Goat.”
It told the story of a goat that, because it butted everything in its path, his status as a pet was in peril. He redeems his status in the family when he butts a car thief!
In front of President Bush stood a sign that said, “Reading Makes America Great.”
That sign is still true today, and it is still true that the values that shaped us into greatness are still there after 9/11, and were very much in evidence that day.
May God Bless America today and always.