Lizs Book Snuggery

As Families and Friends Across the Fruited Plain Arrive at the End (?) of the Vitriol Leading up to Election Day 2022, Perhaps a Slice of the Picture Book “Enemy Pie” Might be a Partially Sweet Solution?

I just finished reading a Reading Rainbow selection called “Enemy Pie” by Derek Munson, with illustrations by Tara Calahan Kind.

And, while it may not be a simple solution to disagreements and supposed conflicts in thinking that stand in the way of friendships that have arisen as Election Day, 2022 dawns, it’s a great start for young readers… and parents to give a look and a listen.

I may even send a copy to the President….and Congress!

The perfect summer ahead looks pretty perfect to a young boy; that is until a fellow neighbor named Jeremy Ross moves into his turf with his perfect boomarang throwing arm (it ALWAYS comes back), strikes our young friend out in a baseball game…and laughs, and to top it off, he is NOT invited to Jeremy Ross’s party on his trampoline and his best friend, Stanley IS. 

What’s a young boy to do in the face of this?

He retreats to his off  limits tree house and tacks a sign up that says:


Enemy #1

Jeremy Ross 


Confiding in his Dad, Dad comes up with the solution he used when at a similar age, HE had enemies.


Tell you how? I’ll show you how! he said. He pulled a really old recipe book off the kitchen shelf. Inside, there was a worn-out scrap of paper wth faded writing. Dad held it up and squinted at it.

“Enemy Pie,” he said, satisfied.


It’s a secret recipe of course. Its ingredients can not be disclosed, but all his dad can say is:


“I will tell you this,” he said. “Enemy Pie is the fastest known way to get rid of enemies.”


Jeremy’s mind is reeling with possibilities as far the possible ingredients of such a pie. Dad says no to earthworms, rocks and chewed gum.

But oddly enough, the smells coming from the kitchen are deliciously tantalizing. Ah! Dad convinces Jeremy of the true trickery involved:


“If Enemy pie smelled bad, your enemy would never eat it,” he said.


What in heavens name could be the outcome of digging into this pie, wonders Jeremy? Stinky breath? Gobs of hair falling out?

Quietly dad tells him that there is ONE part of ENEMY Pie that ONLY Jeremy can do, in order for it to truly work. and that is he must spend a day with Jeremy!!!!

Horrible? Scary? Yes!, But worth the try for the end result.

Knocking on the door of Enemy #1’s house, the day commences.

How it ends is a trip worth taking for your young readers….and parents, as well, as the final, tentative scene sees Jeremy about to take a huge mouthful of the Enemy Pie.

What will happen?

As I said before, I wanted to send this book out to so many before the Election of 2022, and AFTER, and just see if THEY decide to bake and serve Enemy Pie.

It may just be a dessert worth having.


Here are some of the reviews for”Enemy Pie”:


This is a clever tale with an effective message about how to handle relationships and conflict.”

                                               School Library Journal


“King’s illustrations are unusual and appealing.”

                                              The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books


Picture books are wonderful jumping off spots for family discussions on a variety of topics and just maybe, “Enemy Pie” arrives at a very opportune time for the topic of conflict resolution….even on a national level.

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