Return to the Snuggery!
Hey, I’m back at the “Snuggery” folks! And I’m excited and looking forward to suggesting to you and your young readers some great books to cuddle up with in your own snuggeries at home. I hope you all can set aside a cozy, comfortable spot and time (that rarest of commodities these days), to share books that enliven, educate and entertain the youngest of readers with the coziest of snuggeries sometimes being the lap of the reader! The picture books out there that I plan to share with you in video read alouds and reviews whether “classic” gems or new discoveries are rich, rewarding and ready to be read to eager young readers.
It’s a recurring revelation to me how our cues in behavior come from that yearly turn of the calendar page in September. The pace of life quickens as it pushes us all into second or even third gear! Schools begin and activities proliferate, along with commitments of time and energy that plays against the slower pace of summer.
And speaking of back to school, here’s a tip I’ve learned in one of those recent seemingly impromptu, coming out of nowhere conversations with my own grown up kids. At events in their growing up years, I perceived as “cataclysmic”, they were taking their cues on how to react from me. In other words, if mom’s fine with it, life’s okay and I can deal. If she’s dissolving in tears, something must be amiss in our world too! Hint: If you take firsts in stride in a matter of fact manner, whether it’s the first day of school or a first haircut, chances are they will too. Just in case, here’s a hankie!